Join us, and our brands, at our first True North demo day, from our new Sheffield Cycle Hub, at the foothills of Wharncliffe Woods.
Pick your brand, pick your demo time, bring your helmet and ride.
Demo event will run 10am – 4pm
All demo slots will be an 1 hour loop only and will run at:
If you’re not familiar with Wharncliffe Woods, we’ll have riding marshalls to indicate an hours loop, that will allow you to get a feel for the bikes ability.
You must bring ID on the day as your booking, and also bring along your ticket.
You must bring a helmet, no helmet no ride.
Step Business Centre, Wortley Road, Deepcar, Sheffield, S36 2UH
All parking on the day is free, though our car park may be full with the demo bikes, so overspill car parking Station Road, S36 2UZ